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Title: Europar 2010 MEETING - Ischia - Naples, Italy  •  Size: 22885

Europar 2010 MEETING - Ischia - Naples, Italy

4. High Performance Architectures and Compilers

   This topic deals with architecture design and compilation for high performance systems. The areas of interest range from microprocessors to large-scale parallel machines (including multi-core, possibly heterogeneous, architectures); from general-purpose platforms to specialized hardware (e.g., graphic coprocessors, low-power embedded systems); and from hardware design to compiler technology.
   On the compilation side, topics of interest include programmer productivity issues, concurrent and/or sequential language aspects, program analysis, program transformation, automatic discovery and/or management of parallelism at all levels, and the interaction between the compiler and the rest of the system.
   On the architecture side, the scope spans system architectures, processor micro-architecture, memory hierarchy, and multi-threading, and the impact of emerging trends.

* Compiling for multithreaded/multi-core and heterogeneous  processors /
* Compiling for emerging architectures (low-power embedded systems,
   reconfigurable hardware, processors in memory, graphics coprocessors)
* Iterative, just-in-time, feedback-oriented, dynamic, and machine learning-based
* Static analysis and interaction between static and dynamic analysis
* Programmer productivity tools and analysis for high-performance architectures
* Program transformation systems
* High level programming models and tools for multi/many core and heterogeneous
* Interaction between compiler, runtime system, hardware, and operating system
* Parallel computer architecture design - ILP, multi-threaded, and multi-core
* Power-performance efficient designs
* Software and hardware fault-tolerance techniques in large-scale parallel machines
* Memory hierarchy
* Application-specific, reconfigurable and embedded parallel systems

Topic Committee

Global chair        
Pedro Diniz IST/UTL/INESC-ID, Portugal 

Local chair
Marco Danelutto University of Pisa, Italy 

Denis Barthou University of Versailles, France 
Marc Gonzalez Tallada  Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
Michael Huebner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

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Phone: +39 081.877.06.04 - Fax: +39 081.877.02.58 - E-mail: info@europar2010.it

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