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Title: ChimAlSi 2012 - IX Congresso Italiano di Chimica degli Alimenti - IX Congresso Italiano di Chimica degli Alimenti  •  Size: 22137

IX Congresso Italiano di Chimica degli Alimenti


Hotel Continental Terme Ischia
(Via M.Mazzella 74, 80077 Ischia - Naples)

The unusual fascinating architecture expressed in Mediterranean style buildings, the 30.000 sqm large surrounding park, the spacious interiors, the boutiques and an uncommon range of services make the Hotel Continental Terme an island of comfort and beauty nestling in the heart of Ischia. Areas for celebrations and meetings, restaurants, the american bar with terrace, the piano bar provide several pleasant and attractive peaceful corners for international guests.

Special rates have been negotiated for ChimAlSi 2012 attendees.
Booking online is available soon after the registration procedure.


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Gruppo di Chimica degli Alimenti Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Università degli Studi di Salerno FEDERSALUS

YesMeet ChimAlSi 2012 Segreteria Organizzativa: YES Meet - Via S. Nicola, 4 - Sorrento [NA] - Italy - P. IVA 05876631218
Tel.: +39 081 877 06 04 - Fax: +39 081 877 02 58 - E-mail:

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