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16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides


Payment Info

Registration and Accommodation should be finalized by a remittance of payment covering registration fee and hotel deposit (one night room charge). The hotel deposit will be credited to your final bill to be paid at the hotel.

Payments can be made by (choice to be done during Registration on line procedure):

a) Credit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express)

b) International Bank Transfer (net of bank charges) to: Beneficiary Company: Yes Meet - address: Via S. Nicola, 4 - 80067 Sorrento (NA), Italy Bank: Banco di Napoli – Filiale di Sorrento Account number: 1000 / 00003235 Iban code: IT34Z0101040260100000003235 Beneficiary Bank Bic/Swift code: IBSPITNA

c) National Bank Transfer / Bonifico Nazionale (for Italian participants) Beneficiario: Yes Meet Banca: Banco di Napoli – Filiale di Sorrento   Codice IBAN: IT34Z0101040260100000003235

Please ensure that your NAME and the words "Registration to 16th Naples Workshop" appear on your bank transfer order.
A copy of the bank receipt must be sent to the Organizing Secretariat YES Meet: or Fax +39 081 8770258

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Organizing Institutions

YES Meet 16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides
Registered office: Organizing Secretariat: YES Meet - Via S. Nicola, 4 - Sorrento [NA] - Italia
P.IVA 05876631218
Phone: +39 081 8770604 - Fax: +39 081 8770258 - E-mail:

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